January 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 1 01:46:50 PDT 2002
Ending: Thu Jan 31 23:39:13 PDT 2002
Messages: 897
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
- [vorbis] Re: EAQUAL binaries
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
- [vorbis] RC3
Trever L. Adams
- [vorbis] Re: RC3
Trever L. Adams
- [vorbis] Cessation of BBC Ogg streams
Ciaran Anscomb
- [vorbis] Ogg to SPDIF
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] RC3?
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Kenneth Arnold
- Tag Standard Updated (Re: [vorbis] Quality & Tags)
Kenneth Arnold
- [vorbis] Mail archive problems again
David Balazic
- [vorbis] xmms vorbis titlestring patch
Stefan Bender
- [vorbis] Re: xmms vorbis titlestring patch
Stefan Bender
- [vorbis] Re: xmms vorbis titlestring patch
Stefan Bender
- [vorbis] Re: xmms vorbis titlestring patch
Stefan Bender
- [vorbis] Meaning of...
Norberto Bensa
- [vorbis] Meaning of...
Norberto Bensa
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Ingo Ralf Blum
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Ingo Ralf Blum
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] RC3?
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Saving comments to file
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] never encodes same twice?
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Getting version from vorbiscomment utility
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] just wondering...
Segher Boessenkool
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Matthew Brown
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Christian Buchner
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Randolph Carter
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Charles Philip Chan
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Charles Philip Chan
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis and MMX/3dnow
Charles Philip Chan
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis and MMX/3dnow
Charles Philip Chan
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
James Chapman
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
James Chapman
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
James Chapman
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
James Chapman
- Tag Standard Updated (Re: [vorbis] Quality & Tags)
James Chapman
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Oggdrop features (was: RC3)?
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] RC3?
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Exact nature of RC2 re-encode bug
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Exact nature of RC2 re-encode bug
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] >Why not use OggDrop? Going for managed bitrates? Tagging?
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Beni Cherniavksy
- Bitrate managment WRT multiplexing (was Re: [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular)
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] just curious...
Beni Cherniavksy
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] advocacy and added options to ogg123
Joe Cuervo
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] A reminder about HTML email
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] quick question
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] replay gain
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] Re: Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] just curious...
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] just curious...
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] just curious...
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] just curious...
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] *.pl
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Andy Dale
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Colin Davis
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
John Denton
- [vorbis] quality settings
John Denton
- [vorbis] File Info Question
John Denton
- [vorbis] Bitrate Peeling?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis"
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis"
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] *.pl
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Craig Dickson
- [vorbis] Beta4 better than RC2 and RC3 ???
Zvezdan Dimitrijevic
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Jon Doda
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Jon Doda
- [vorbis] Easier OggDrop version
Aleksandar Dovnikovic
- [vorbis] Easier OggDrop version
Aleksandar Dovnikovic
- [vorbis] Easier OggDrop version
Aleksandar Dovnikovic
- [vorbis] just curious...
Aleksandar Dovnikovic
- [vorbis] just curious...
Aleksandar Dovnikovic
- [vorbis] RC3 curiosity
- [vorbis] HipZip support?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] oggenc Command line Q in Win32
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jürgen A. Erhard
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Larry Fenske
- [vorbis] Vorbis comparative
Àngels Flores
- [vorbis] File Info Question
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] File Info Question
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Mailing List Traffic
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] *.pl
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis on Pocket PC
Jeff Flowers
- [vorbis] >Why not use OggDrop? Going for managed bitrates? Tagging?
Anthony Frazier
- [vorbis] just curious...
Anthony Frazier
- [vorbis] EAC, oggenc, tags
Anthony Frazier
- [vorbis] OGG DirectShow implementation
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Burgwedel Friedrich
- [vorbis] xmms vorbis titlestring patch
Andreas Fuchs
- [vorbis] Winamp equalizer problems
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] quality settings
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] EAQUAL binaries
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] some EAQUAL results
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] some EAQUAL results
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] just wondering...
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] EAC, oggenc, tags
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] OGG CVS binaries
Erik Fuller
- [vorbis] RC3?
Peter G.
- [vorbis] Oggdrop features (was: RC3)?
Peter G.
- [vorbis] quality settings
Peter G.
- [vorbis] RC3?
Peter G.
- [vorbis] quality settings
Peter G.
- [vorbis] Re: [vorbis] Meilleurs Vux pour 2002 (SPAM )
Peter G.
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Peter G.
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Peter G.
- [vorbis] EAC, oggenc, tags
Peter G.
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Peter G.
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
Peter G.
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
Peter G.
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Peter G.
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Kai Gallasch
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Kai Gallasch
- [vorbis] Mail archive problems again
David Gasaway
- [vorbis] quality vs bitrate
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
David K. Gasaway
- Tag Standard Updated (Re: [vorbis] Quality & Tags)
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
David K. Gasaway
- [vorbis] quality settings
Jonathan Gramain
- [vorbis] Oggdrop suggestions (was: RC3?)
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] RC3?
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] RC3?
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Meaning of...
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] OT: DivX codecs (was: OGG DirectShow implementation)
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Moritz Grimm
- Tag Standard Updated (Re: [vorbis] Quality & Tags)
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Moritz Grimm
- [vorbis] Meilleurs Vux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
- [vorbis] Meilleurs Vux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
- [vorbis] File Info Question
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Jeremy M. Hanrahan
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Peter Harris
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Rik Hemsley
- [vorbis] KVorbisComment 0.1
Sebastian Henschel
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Mark Hetherington
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Matt Hodge
- [vorbis] RC3?
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] quality settings
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] vorbis´Ô ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä? *^^*((¿µ¾î & ÀϾî mailing service È«º¸))*^^*
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] vorbis�� �ȳ��ϼ���? *^^*((���� & �Ͼ� mailing service ȫ��))*^^*
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
Dan Hollis
- [vorbis] RC3?
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] RC3?
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] Mailing List Traffic
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis"
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Magnus Holmgren
- [vorbis] RC3?
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [vorbis] Man page for RC3
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [vorbis] RC3?
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops
Tim Hurman
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jonathan Ingram
- (no subject)
Jonathan Ingram
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Jonathan Ingram
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Blue Jay
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Blue Jay
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Blue Jay
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
- [vorbis] Easier OggDrop version
Tomi Jylhä-Ollila
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Tomi Jylhä-Ollila
- [vorbis] RC3?
Andreas Karlsson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Andreas Karlsson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Andreas Karlsson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Karel P Kerezman
- [vorbis] Something useful to contribute
Karel P Kerezman
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Karel P Kerezman
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Karel P Kerezman
- [vorbis] OGG in P2P networks?
Karel P Kerezman
- [vorbis] Getting version from vorbiscomment utility
Magnus von Koeller
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Magnus von Koeller
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Magnus von Koeller
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Magnus von Koeller
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Håvard Kvålen
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Matthijs Laan
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Matthijs Laan
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Matthijs Laan
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Matthijs Laan
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] OGG DirectShow implementation
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] Re: OGG DirectShow implementation
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] Re: OGG DirectShow implementation
Hongl Lai
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Nicola Larosa
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Nicola Larosa
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Nicola Larosa
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Nicola Larosa
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Nicola Larosa
- [vorbis] HipZip support?
Nicola Larosa
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Tuomo Latto
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Tuomo Latto
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Victoria E. Lease
- [vorbis] How are nominal bitrates calculated?
Kyung-Joon Lee
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] RC3?
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] quality settings
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] >Why not use OggDrop? Going for managed bitrates? T agging?
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] advocacy
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] oggenc Command line Q in Win32
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] just curious...
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Ross Levis
- [vorbis] *.pl
Jarmo Lundgren
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] RC3?
Patrick Masters
- [vorbis] Oggdrop features (was: RC3)?
Patrick Masters
- [vorbis] Vorbis RC2 For SIREN
Patrick Masters
- [OT] Re: [vorbis] RC3?
Gregory Maxwell
- [advocacy] Re: [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Gregory Maxwell
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
Gregory Maxwell
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Gregory Maxwell
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] saving the encoding options...
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Unicode conversions from JA encodings
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] vorbis�� �ȳ��ϼ���? *^^*((���� & �Ͼ� mailing service ȫ��))*^^*
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Glenn Maynard
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Mercier, Dave
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Maik Merten
- [vorbis] saving the encoding options...
Hugo van der Merwe
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Hugo van der Merwe
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
David Mitchell
- [vorbis] advocacy and added options to ogg123
Graham Mitchell
- [vorbis] Getting version from vorbiscomment utility
Graham Mitchell
- [vorbis] advocacy
Graham Mitchell
- [vorbis] Win32 commandline discid utility?
Graham Mitchell
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Easier OggDrop version
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Bitrate Peeling?
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Winamp equalizer problems
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] quality settings
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] quality settings
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] quality settings
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] quality settings
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Saving comments to file
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Saving comments to file
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] oggenc scripting/parameter question
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] File Info Question
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Getting version from vorbiscomment utility
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] caching
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] RC3
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Re: RC3
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] [contact@iriveramerica.com: RE: ogg vorbis support]
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Mailing List Traffic
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] OGG CVS binaries
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops
Jack Moffitt
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] macosx (lots of little changes)
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] Man page for RC3
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [advocacy] Re: [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
- [vorbis] tags in comment field - why?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] never encodes same twice?
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
- [vorbis] A reminder about HTML email
- [vorbis] so whats next?
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
- [vorbis] RC3?
John Morton
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
John Morton
- [vorbis] RC3?
John Morton
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
John Morton
- [vorbis] That pesky udial.wav again...
John Morton
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
John Morton
- [vorbis] That pesky udial.wav again...
John Morton
- [vorbis] That pesky udial.wav again...
John Morton
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
John Morton
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
John Morton
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
John Morton
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
John Morton
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
John Morton
- [vorbis] Downsampling
John Morton
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
John Morton
- [vorbis] caching
John Moylan
- [vorbis] RC3?
Roland Nagtegaal
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3? Graphed!
Roland Nagtegaal
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis QuickTime component 1.0d4
Steve Nicolai
- [vorbis] Downsampling
Wayne Nyhlen
- [vorbis] macosx (lots of little changes)
Brian Olson
- [vorbis] RC3?
Brian Olson
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
James Ossi
- [vorbis] *.pl
Lance Paine
- [vorbis] *.pl
Lance Paine
- [vorbis] Real Time Encode & Java Question
Nicholas Pappas
- [vorbis] Winamp equalizer problems
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] That pesky udial.wav again...
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain -q option
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis"
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis"
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis Quality Analisis (+ bug) (+ misc)
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] ANN: ReplayGain Winamp2 plugin for MP3, FLAC, MOD, etc.
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] replay gain
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] some EAQUAL results
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] some EAQUAL results
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] some EAQUAL results
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] just wondering...
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
- [vorbis] RC3?
Karol Pietrzak
- [vorbis] never encodes same twice?
Karol Pietrzak
- [vorbis] Win32 All-UTF8 oggenc.exe
Karol Pietrzak
- [vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops
Karl O . Pinc
- [vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops
Karl O . Pinc
- [vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops
Karl O . Pinc
- [vorbis] That pesky udial.wav again...
Giuliano Pochini
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Alexander Poquet
- [vorbis] Bitrate Peeling?
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] Man page for RC3
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] RC3?
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] Bitrate Peeling? (again)
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags / encoding scripts
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] so whats next?
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] HipZip support?
Brendan Ragan
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
Ingo Saitz
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Peter Schuller
- [vorbis] *.pl
Peter Schuller
- [vorbis] RC3?
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] Happy New Year! RC3 Released!
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] RC3?
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] RC3?
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] RC3?
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] RC3?
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] Exact nature of RC2 re-encode bug
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] quality settings
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] quality settings
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] Exact nature of RC2 re-encode bug
Geoff Shang
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] Re: UTF8, vorbiscomment, oggenc, and 'vcedit.c'
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Nathan I. Sharfi
- [vorbis] quality settings
Casey Allen Shobe
- [vorbis] quality settings
Casey Allen Shobe
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Dave Sieber
- [vorbis] Re: Winamp equalizer problems
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Re: How to make Vorbis popular
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Re: How to make Vorbis popular
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Re: Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Re: Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] OGG DirectShow implementation
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Re: OGG DirectShow implementation
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Re: Re: OGG DirectShow implementation
Jernej Simonèiè
- [vorbis] Saving comments to file
Martin Sjögren
- [vorbis] Saving comments to file
Martin Sjögren
- [vorbis] RC3?
Olaf van der Spek
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jared Sulem
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Ed Sweetman
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Ed Sweetman
- [vorbis] Ogg Vorbis and MMX/3dnow
Ed Sweetman
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
- [vorbis] THE Rename 2.0e
Hervé Thouzard
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] quality vs bitrate
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Erik Turner
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Erik Turner
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
Erik Turner
- [vorbis] Ogg to SPDIF
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
Ross Vandegrift
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] Barcode or EAN code?
Zinx Verituse
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Merijn Vogel
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] RC3?
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- foreign language support (Was Re: [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags)
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- key not uploaded (Re: [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags)
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] saving the encoding options...
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Jonathan Walther
- Tag Standard Updated (Re: [vorbis] Quality & Tags)
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] new url for tag standard
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] New URL for proposed tag standard, in HTML format + updates
Jonathan Walther
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Paul de Weerd
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Paul de Weerd
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
Paul de Weerd
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] RC3?
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] RC3?
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] quality settings
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] quality settings
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] oggenc scripting/parameter question
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] oggenc scripting/parameter question
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] >Why not use OggDrop? Going for managed bitrates? Tagging?
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] Barcode or EAN code?
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
Philip M. White
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Per Wigren
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Per Wigren
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] That pesky udial.wav again...
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
- [vorbis] Ogg compared to MPC and AAC
- [vorbis] Are all RC3 implementations identical?
- [vorbis] >Why not use OggDrop? Going for managed bitrates? Tagging?
Christopher Wise
- [vorbis] >Why not use OggDrop? Going for managed bitrates? Tagging?
Christopher Wise
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Robert Woodcock
- [vorbis] RC3?
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] RC3?
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] quality settings
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] RC3?
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] Removing Vorbis tags
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] Re: Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
Greg Wooledge
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
Alexander Wörndle
- [vorbis] Ogg streams from JRoar for testing.
Atsuhiko Yamanaka
- [vorbis] oggment : a new software project.
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
mike dillon
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
mike dillon
- [vorbis] UTF8_LANG: a much better idea
mike dillon
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
mike dillon
- [vorbis] quality vs bitrate
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
- [vorbis] Re: Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] RC3?
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
- [vorbis] "Quality" vs. "bitrate"
- [vorbis] advocacy and added options to ogg123
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
- [vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed
- [vorbis] German translation of OggEnc
- [vorbis] Quality & Tags
- [vorbis] RC3 Tagging/Encoding and Winamp answer
ndrw mchl grnbrg
- [vorbis] oggenc Command line Q in Win32
ndrw mchl grnbrg
- [vorbis] ogg vorbis club?
MR. ifly
- [vorbis] quality settings
- [vorbis] oggenc Command line Q in Win32
- [vorbis] oggenc scripting/parameter question
msmith at labyrinth.net.au
- [vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags
Nemo - earth native
- [vorbis] Meaning of...
Nemo - earth native
- [vorbis] Slightly off-topic: question about DOS batch files
that irritating pissant
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
rob1 at rekl.yi.org
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
rob1 at rekl.yi.org
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
rob1 at rekl.yi.org
- [vorbis] RC3?
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] quality settings
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] quality settings
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Meaning of...
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] File Info Question
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] tool for listening tests
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Trouble building libvorbis-1.0rc3
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Problems Building Ogg Vorbis RC3
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] so whats next?
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] RC2 better than RC3 ???
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Ogg and Vorbis questions
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Interactive RC3 quality analysis graphs
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Downsampling
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] Real Time Encode & Java Question
volsung at asu.edu
- [vorbis] HipZip support?
willz at btinternet.com
- [vorbis] vorbis´Ô ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä? *^^*((¿µ¾î & ÀϾî mailing service È«º¸))*^^*
- [vorbis] Downsampling
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 23:39:13 PDT 2002
Archived on: Fri Aug 6 15:23:45 PDT 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).