[vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular

Karel P Kerezman rael at zero.kgon.com
Thu Jan 10 16:33:19 PST 2002

On Thu, 2002-01-10 at 16:18, MARK JAMES HETHERINGTON wrote:
> That's a little sneaky!!!

I do my best! =)
> Only one question: What is ZENworks? (doing web search now.)

ZENworks is a Novell administration product, of which I'm using the free
"Starter Pack." With it you can, given a Netware server and properly
enabled client PCs, distribute files, registry settings, programs and
related what-not. ZENworks, the full product, also allows neat things
like policy control, inventory and remote-control. (Okay, you can do
user/group policies in the Starter Pack, I just don't. It does, after
all, rely on Windows9x's built-in policy code, which blows large hairy

Karel P Kerezman, IS Admin Entercom Portland

"What did Medieval people do before television?" "Had tea, I suppose."

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