[vorbis] ReplayGain support for Vorbis

Moritz Grimm gtgbr at gmx.net
Tue Jan 15 08:29:42 PST 2002

Wilson wrote:
> > Actually, I like it the way it is - replaygain, no matter how absolutely
> > great it is :D, makes only sense in Vorbis streams.

> Allow me to disagree. Disk space is so cheap now that I store my top 100
> favorite CDs in lossless form, and only use lossy compression on the other
> mass of disks. It would be extremely nice to be able to use Ogg FLAC for
> this with ReplayGain, instead of using (potentially lossy) normalization
> tricks on the front end.

Ummm... but the point in lossless coding is having the original back
after decoding it. Any alteration to that audio makes no sense to me.
Why don't you use Ogg at -q8 or higher instead (or mp+ --insane, if you
wish)? I really doubt that this is too little quality, even for a Top
100 collection of CDs. The advantage in terms of filesize can't be left
out, no matter how "cheap" an 80GB HDD is nowadays. IIRC (2nd hand info
from a mail to the list) some really audiophile audio engineer was more
or less satisfied with Ogg > -q8 or -q9, so ... using FLAC for casual
listening really makes no sense.

Anyways, if enough people insist on replaygain w/ Ogg FLAC, please have
two seperate replaygains for Vorbis and FLAC, for heavens sake. Having
multiple, non-identical tracks within an .ogg file would make replaygain
useless for both Vorbis and FLAC then (you can't use it at all because
either the Vorbis or the FLAC stream would get messed up by it,


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