[vorbis] RC3?

fungus meditvr at teleline.es
Wed Jan 2 06:36:13 PST 2002

fungus wrote:

> Then simply don't give them the option.
> Make the bitrate selection menu look like this:
> "Quality 1  (equivalent quality to to 128kbs mp3)"
> "Quality 2  (equivalent quality to to 160kbs mp3)"
> "Quality 3  (equivalent quality to to 192kbs mp3)"
> (or whatever).
> Sure, they'll complain when it doesn't say "128" in
> winamp, but the alternative is worse. Choose the lesser
> of two evils, ie. go for quality, not quantity.

<p>Another option is to actually use "quality" as the
yardstick. They choose "Equivalent to 128kbs mp3"
and it comes out at 80kbs in Winamp. Bingo! Instant
.ogg convert ("Hey this is really cool").

The only problems then are:

a) To get the P2P programs to recognise "ogg" as an
audio file

<p>b) What to do about people deciding to transcode all
their mp3s to ogg format (ignore them - if they're
not smart enough to understand why this is bad then
they're probably not capable of hearing the difference).

c) The biggie: Get ogg support in some of those
portable mp3 players. I don't know what the situation
is there, but I imagine it's difficult. The fact that
ogg is free will be a moot point as nobody's going
to release a player which is ogg only. Catch-22:
there's no compelling business reason for them to
support ogg until there's an awful lot of ogg files
out there, and there won't be a lot of ogg files
without the hardware.

Audio streaming is a different matter. Anything which
saves bandwidth is obviously compelling.

/ O O \
\_____/  FTB.

<p><p><p><p>--- >8 ----
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