[vorbis] Streaming content from BBC just stops

Jack Moffitt jack at xiph.org
Wed Jan 30 20:39:07 PST 2002

> Is it xmms or ogg that determines when to kill the connection?  

Neither, it's icecast.

> I find it
> odd that data stops coming over the modem soon after the initial buffer
> fills and the sound starts, and that no more data ever arrives.  I'd have
> thought that it would try to re-sync and continue playing after losing a
> few packets, so I'd get choppy sound if the data rate was a bit too slow.
> I seem to get a buffer (128K) full of uninterrupted broadcast, and then
> nothing.  I don't understand, is it just that it takes about as long to
> fill my buffer as it does for my data to fall far enough behind the
> broadcast
> that the broadcaster decides to drop me?

There's a server side client queue.  Each 'block' is equivalent to an
Ogg page currently.  If you are behind 10 blocks, you'll get dumped.
That's about a 40k buffer.  This is a 'magic' number.  Perhaps it needs
tweaking.  But I suspect in this case it would have just taken slightly
longer, even if the queue was bigger.  If you were listening fine most
of the time, and getting cut off now and then, it would be a different

> It'd be nice if whatever was controlling/monitoring this "drop" process
> on my end would
> re-connect after being dropped.  

Sounds like an xmms feature request :)

> I can envision receiving a large
> e-mail and having my ogg bandwidth fall enough to be dropped.  

The queue is there to prevent that.  Without QoS there's really not much
you could do in the general case.

> It'd
> be a hassle to have to manually re-connect each time this happens.
> (Xmms gives me no clue what's going on.  It just sits there, silent.)
> Just curious (and obviously clueless.)

This feedback is good, but in this case I think xmms is not doing what
it should (reconnecting or signalling a disconnect or both) and that the
real problem is that the pipe wasn't big enough.


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