[vorbis] RC3: I'm impressed

Ed Sweetman ed.sweetman at wmich.edu
Tue Jan 15 06:22:30 PST 2002

> Nathan I. Sharfi wrote:
> >
> > Considering the rate at which processors get faster and cheaper, do you
> > really think this is worth the hassle and time?
> >
> When you're docoding six ogg files at once and trying
> to do 3D graphics at the same time on a two year old
> machine, yes.
> (PS: Yes, that's what I'm doing)

<p>Once things are cleaned up with gcc 3.x, you shouldn't have to worry about
compiler produced asm code.  The best thing to do with ogg is figure out
better algorithms and any better code structures to more optimize the
decoding and encoding libraries.   ASM code isn't going to help you much
compared to better algorithms or better structure of the code.

Worry about speed and such when OGG is complete.  Until then worry about
completing it.    I'd much rather have slower encoders that did all ogg
vorbis is supposed to do and decoders that can play those files than
slightly faster versions of incomplete libraries.

<p>--- >8 ----
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