[vorbis] TAG Standard - ENSEMBLE/PERFORMER tags

Jonathan Walther krooger at debian.org
Thu Jan 3 23:36:59 PST 2002

On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 01:19:15AM -0600, Philip M. White wrote:
>         Regarding switching to GPG -- that would grealy inconvenience me, 
>because PGP gives me a Eudora plugin where I can just click a "sign" button 
>in the Compose Mail window, and the e-mail would be automatically signed 
>         Unless GPG can offer this or something similar for the Windows 
>platform, the inconvenience would outweigh the benefits.

As long as you are willing to install the Cygwin environment and run
mutt, yes, you can do this in Windows.  Gpg has the advantage that it
will go out to the public keyservers to find peoples keys to verify
their signatures if you don't have their key in your keyring already.

>         Meanwhile, my public key available in .asc format on my webserver 
>at http://www.gigacluster.net/~pwhite/pgpkey.asc.

Your key isn't OpenPGP compliant, thats why when you upload it to the
server its not "sticking".  Do you need some help switching to mutt?
You'll need to generate a proper OpenPGP compliant keypair.

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