[vorbis] How to make Vorbis popular

Jack Moffitt jack at xiph.org
Fri Jan 11 13:04:31 PST 2002

> Um, I don't mean to heckle, but how does this make any sense when, one
> paragraph later you say:
> > The only thing we're missing out on is hardware companies, and we've been
> > able to convince them that since they are only interested in decoders,
> > it's time for them to get started.
> And then an email later:
> > No hardware I know of ships Ogg in the box yet.  We're working on it.

It makes perfect sense.  A company can decide to use Ogg but not ship it
yet.  There are many reasons why this is so.

Unfortunately, most of the relationships we have at this point we're not
allowed to openly discuss.  What I can say is that we do have firmware
fo rthe Iomega HipZip that plays up to beta4 ogg files.  You can buy a
hipzip and I can send you the firmware _today_.  So it's not like
hardware support is vapor.

> I'm not trying to me mean.  I just wanna know if I can walk into a BestBuy
> and get a box with Vobis Inside.  Cause if I can I'm gonna go down to the
> local shop and lay me down a few hundred bucks!

You can't get one with ogg in there already.  We have beta4 firmware for
the HipZip and are working on an update.  We're also working on the rest
of the manufacturers as well.  


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