[vorbis] RC3?

Andreas Karlsson a.karlsson at bredband.net
Sat Jan 5 04:24:46 PST 2002

At 18:58 2002-01-04 -0500, you wrote:
>If you haven't done so yet, take a look at ff123's listening test which
>involved a CVS snapshot of Vorbis from a couple months ago.  As far as I
>know the test is actually ongoing, but I don't think anyone's submitted
>any results lately.  <http://ff123.net/128test/instruct.html>

I participated in the test and must admit that it was very hard to hear any
*clear* artifacts. Sure, there was some minor once in some of the encodings
like "swearling" or phasing sounds in the high frequencies but that´s nothing
you really notice if you aren´t looking for them.
I must point out that thouse artifacts occured pretty much on all the samples
in the test, more or less.

<p>>100% transparent.  The average user can't hear artifacts because she
>doesn't have enough experience in listening tests.  I've been trying to
>hear artifacts in Ogg for months now, and I'm still overwhelmed by my
>own inadequacy.

Yes I agree. I´ve been testing the rc3 abit now and on -q0 to -q3 there
are some quality problems, but as I precept them they are not so much
artifacts as richness in the soundimage. This applies to the diffrencies
of Ogg Vorbis vs mp3/wma to. Ogg simply feels richer, wider and more
colourfull than any other format I´ve tried. The obvious artifacts that one
can find in early mp3-encoders are rarely heard in LAME for example.

<p>>If you aim for the audiophile, there aren't enough of them available.
>ff123 only has about two dozen listeners on his test -- after 2-3 months.

<p>Well, I don´t count myself as a audophile, but i participated in the test
any way. Just for the fun of it. I wanted to see if I really could hear any
diffrences, and belive me, it is hard.

<p>/Andreas Karlsson

<p><p>--- >8 ----
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