[vorbis] Re: OGG DirectShow implementation

Jernej Simonèiè jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
Tue Jan 29 10:45:13 PST 2002

Hello Hongl,

29. januar 2002, 18:45:11, you wrote:

> I think it's great, as long as it's not DivX 4.0.
> They decieved a lot of open source developers to create 4.0...

Then try XviD - opensourced DivX 4 implementation
<http://www.videocoding.de/>. It rated pretty good in the test on

Jernej Simoncic, jernej.simoncic at guest.arnes.si
ICQ: 26266467

Any object that is accidentally dropped will hide under a larger
       -- Mickelson's Law of Falling Objects

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