[vorbis] RC3?

Karl Ove Hufthammer huftis at bigfoot.com
Wed Jan 2 08:47:11 PST 2002

fungus <meditvr at teleline.es> wrote in
news:3C331433.4080802 at teleline.es:

>> Just putting it in the manual isn't enough,
>> most folks couldn't care less about documentation....
> Then simply don't give them the option.

Managed bitrates are sometimes needed, e.g. for streaming. I
did a test with quality set to 0, which produced a 55 kbps
file -- much to big for people on an 28,8 kbps (or even
56 kbps) modems. Perhaps we need negative quality settings? :)

But since 'quality settings will *always* produce a higher
quality file for the same given size', why not explicitly state
this on the output:

   Encoding "foo.wav" to
            "foo.ogg" at bitrate 56 kbps
   Encoding with managed bitrates.
   Note: Using the --bitrate parameter is discouraged, as the
         --quality paramter will always produce a higher quality
         file for the same size/bitrate.

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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