[Icecast] Shoutcast compatibility and inconsistancies

Geoff Shang geoff at hitsandpieces.net
Sun Mar 27 17:43:48 UTC 2005


I happened to need the shoutcast compatibility today and used it for the 
first time.  Apart from reminding me of my earlier suggestion regarding 
this which would allow more than one shoutcast compatible port (see thread 
starting at 
http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/icecast/2004-December/008120.html), I 
discovered some inconsistant behaviour.

I notice that the shoutcast port wants the global source password, 
regardless of the mount it is associated with.

[2005-03-27  16:13:09] EROR connection/_handle_shoutcast_compatible Invalid 
source password

I expected that it would allow me to specify a password in the related 
<mount> section and use that instead.  This would make it consistant with 
other server operations and also be consistant with Oddsock's comments in 

Needing the global source is a security risk of sorts as it allows anyone 
who has it to create any mounts they want, and I would rather not have to 
give it out to anyone.  Tying the mountpoint more closely with the port (as 
in my other proposal) may make this easier to implement.


Geoff Shang <geoff at hitsandpieces.net>
Phone: +61-418-96-5590
MSN: geoff at acbradio.org

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