[Vorbis] Bitrate Peeling (no. really)

Geoff Shang geoff at hitsandpieces.net
Thu Sep 30 22:37:50 PDT 2004

ben-extra at MIT.EDU wrote:

> 1) What is the project?  Specifically, a list of criteria that must be
>   met before the bounty is claimed.  I personally hope this will
>   include that it works with existing .ogg files.

>From what I understand, and I don't know much if anything about vorbis' 
internals, peeling primarily depends on the stream being encoded in such a 
way that makes it peelable.  The reason why it doesn't currently work is 
that current streams aren't encoded this way (or enough of this way to make 
it work).  This would tend to suggest then that it won't work with existing 

The page on the wiki suggests countering this by making it possible to 
convert current streams to ones which can be peeled.  I'd be interested to 
hear from someone like Monty as to whether this would be in fact possible 
without reencoding.

I've not looked at any of these bounty projects before, but I'dve thought 
that the whole point of having these is dependent on being able to see how 
much is in the pot already.  I too would be happy to put some money in, as 
I feel this is an important feature which would be extremely useful in 
streaming situations.  I also think that seeing the pot with some money 
already in it may help move people to donate to it (at least they know 
they're not the only one putting money in), and of course the person who 
ends up doing it needs to know when the pot reaches what they think it's 
worth to them to do the work.  So is it just the case that none of the 
bounties have no money in them currently or is the total not displayed?  Or 
am I missing something?


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