[Vorbis] .ogg extension and Theora

Jon Doda jdoda
Sat Jun 19 08:01:10 PDT 2004

<001d01c4560a$14d79170$49389c3f at computername>
Message-ID: <40D45536.7020504 at sympatico.ca>

noprivacy at earthlink.net wrote:
> Nearly everybody here is agreeing that it needs to be done.  And are
> saying that .ogv is okay.  (Over the already existing .ogm)

Well, .ogm is a non-starter because it's already the extension of
another media format which is decidedly different than ogg with a video

Actually, the .oga extension is arguably more important than the .ogv
extension.  .ogg is always going to be the generic extension for media
in an ogg container, which means .ogg files can contain potentially
*anything* (as Arc Riley was correct to point out).  That means you're
going to have to play .ogg files in a video player, since a video player
backed by a good media framework is the only thing that has a hope in
hell of playing all the things a .ogg could contain.

Therefore, an extension like .oga that tells you "it's safe to play this
file using a music player" is rather more valuable than one that simply
says "you also have to play this file in a video player, but it is
really video and not anything weird".  That being said, I think having
both .oga and .ogv is a good idea, in order to not implicitly change the
meaning of the .ogg extension, which must remain generic and ambiguous
as to its contents.

Jon Doda

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