[vorbis] Bitrate stripping?

Paul Wagland vorbis at kungfoocoder.org
Fri Jan 2 07:27:47 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 15:39, Andrew Snare wrote:
> Peeling is still applicable even for the hard-disk players though.

Another reason that peeling is still applicable to hard disk players is
battery life. If you need to read less from the hard disk then you can
save battery life. I recall reading of an experiment with one of the
earlier rios where they doubled the caching ram, and extended the
battery life by around 40%. Peeling the file so that you have to read
less can give a similar effect, it might mean that you have to hit the
hard disk every 70 seconds instead of every 60. There are people out
there that would appreciate that :-)


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