[vorbis] Bitrate stripping?

Andrew Snare ajs at pigpond.com
Fri Jan 2 06:39:03 PST 2004

Daniel Schregenberger wrote:
>  There's a little point I want to mention: flash players. They are
>  getting big business. Included into mobile phones and other gadgets with
>  space limits. (Would be much more usefull than these cameras with their
>  lousy quality)
>  There's even a rumour of Apple releasing an "iPod for the masses" say a
>  "very cheap" one. IIRC it was said to be about a 100$, storing not onto
>  a harddrive but onto flash memory.

John Morton responded:
> Players that don't support vorbis, and are never likely to do so
> for technical (ie not enough cycles)  reasons, or commercial
> reasons (Apple is backing another horse), don't really enter into
> the discussion at this point. Better to wait and see see if the
> 'iPod for the masses' really sells, or if the market would rather
> have space for everything or no player at all (or a player than
> reads dvds).

It's worth mentioning that iRiver has committed to providing firmware
upgrades for their flash-based players that have enough grunt to
process it. <http://www.millerpc.co.uk/shop/news/october/iRiver_OGG.asp>

Peeling is still applicable even for the hard-disk players though.
Sure, 20GB is a lot. But with 40GB players emerging, obviously 20GB
can't be enough for everyone. Peeling is perfect for when you realise
you want to cram more music onto your existing player (such as a
Neuros, Rio Karma, iRiver iHP-100/120). In fact it's almost essential,
since not many people will be able to conveniently re-encode 20GB
of ogg. :)

 - Andrew
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