[vorbis] [faq?] Portable players supporting ogg vorbis

Nathan I. Sharfi nisharfi at csupomona.edu
Sun Nov 16 10:17:16 PST 2003

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> Daniel Déchelotte (maitre_yodan at fr.club-internet.invalid) wrote:
> > The Neuros looks even
> > better, but ogg support seems incomplete.
> The Neuros (with a "beta" firmware download) can play Vorbis files;
> however,
>  * It can't play beta4 or older Oggs; it can even lock up when trying
>    to do so.  (Positron doesn't detect them, and happily adds them to
>    the device, so the burden of cleaning them out is on you.)
>  * It sometimes "chirps" (not enough CPU) when decoding high-bitrate
>    sections.  This is exceedingly rare at -q 4, but somewhat common
>    at -q 6.  (I'm using the FM transmitter, which may require additional
>    CPU; results through headphones may be better.)
>  * When playing an Ogg that has multiple Vorbis streams (e.g., created
>    by cat track1.ogg track2.ogg > final-song.ogg), there's a very
>    distinct "stutter" when it switches to the second stream.

Worse still, the included sync manager software for Windows doesn't support
Vorbis files. Still. I haven't had any success getting
http://neurosdbm.sourceforge.net/ to work (mainly out of laziness), but you
might be able to.
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