[vorbis] Re: .ogg file extension for both audio and video?

Paul E public at ellisfoundation.com
Tue Jul 15 09:25:40 PDT 2003

ChristianHJW wrote:

> OGM can store any VCM codecs ( Video Codec Manager, the codec API from 
> VfW )in it, not only DivX. The was/is this done by copying the 
> BITMAPINFOHEADER and the VIDEOINFOHEADER structs as created/provided 
> by Video for Windows ( VfW ) into the Ogg file to be able to identify 
> the codecs/stream types. Same goes for audio like MP3, AC3, etc. ( ACM 
> codecs ), just that WAVEFORMATEX struct is stored.
> This approach is nice on Windows/DirectShow, but not really 
> x-platform, the author of the OGMtools ( Moritz 'Mosu' Bunkus ) for 
> Linux can sing a song about that .... 

Thanks for some actual facts.  That clears things up a lot for what 
container to use.  But when will we actually be able to put video in an 
ogg container?  Does anyone know?  I'm not looking for a specific date 
like November 3rd, just like a year, or a few months, etc.


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