[vorbis] vorbiscomment causes "Illegal UTF-8 sequence in comment"

Nathan I. Sharfi nisharfi at csupomona.edu
Mon Jul 7 14:38:26 PDT 2003

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Beni Cherniavsky wrote:

<p>> Probably not: vorbiscomment simlpy depends on the OS to provide locale
> support.  Here is a reliable test: use --raw to dump the UTF-8
> comments to a text file and open them with Notepad.  I think you need
> win 2000 or later for Notepad to read UTF-8; you can also try opening
> the tet file with IE (select UTF-8 encoding in the menus if needed).

Possible snag: Notepad (and TextEdit.app, incidentally) add in a BOM so the
first three bytes of the file will be EF BB BF (IIRC). You might need to
snip them out with an extraordinarily dumb text editor such as edit (run
from the command prompt).
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