[vorbis] vorbiscomment causes "Illegal UTF-8 sequence in comment"

Beni Cherniavsky cben at techunix.technion.ac.il
Mon Jul 7 10:38:06 PDT 2003

Anosh Ullenius wrote on 2003-07-07:

> So when using the Windows version of vorbiscomment I get a different
> result, I even tried using the input option (the -c switch) using
> the same file but the results were still different.
> Is this a bug in vorbiscomment?
Probably not: vorbiscomment simlpy depends on the OS to provide locale
support.  Here is a reliable test: use --raw to dump the UTF-8
comments to a text file and open them with Notepad.  I think you need
win 2000 or later for Notepad to read UTF-8; you can also try opening
the tet file with IE (select UTF-8 encoding in the menus if needed).

Beni Cherniavsky <cben at tx.technion.ac.il>

If I don't hack on it, who will?  And if I don't GPL it, what am I?
And if it itches, why not now?  [With apologies to Hilel ;]
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