[vorbis] Flaming

Graham Mitchell graham at grahammitchell.com
Fri Jul 4 09:26:29 PDT 2003

> Things starting like this can quickly go downhill.

You don't know the half of it.

> Of course I don't like people pretending they know all
> about what other people think, but I also think you are reading a
> little too much into Mr. Walther's posts. I could be wrong of course

I don't know how long you've been reading the vorbis lists, but this isn't a 
new argument.  Jonathan's first post about a call for a tag standard was his 
second post to the vorbis list ever (as far as I can tell), way back in 
October of 2001.

Essentially he has created a lengthy tagging standard which suits his needs, 
and sought to get the blessing of xiph.org to make it "official".  Through 
long threads on the mailing list (in the dozens of posts per day, as you're 
seeing here, but for weeks at a time), he and a small but vocal group of 
interested individuals hashed out some details.  Therefore there *is* a sort 
of consensus for the tagging standard as it now stands.

Most of the folks on the list don't care about such things, and I suspect many 
were silent in the discussions not because they agreed but because they were 
tired of getting a dozen arguing messages a day about TAGS, for goodness' 
sake, and were hoping it would all just go away.  I know I fall into that 

Segher and Jonathan, in particular, have had conflict about this.  (See 
http://www.xiph.org/archives/vorbis/200112/0154.html to start in the middle 
of a particularly nasty thread.)  Segher isn't known for being particularly 
diplomatic or circumspect even in normal situations, and with this one, 
there's so much ad-hominem attack in the past, he doesn't even bother trying 
to play nice anymore.

Graham Mitchell - computer science teacher, Leander High School
    who wishes there was a vorbis-comment mailing list, so that those who
care about such things could argue about it there and I could be left alone.

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