[vorbis] Quality & Tags

Moz lists at moz.co.nz
Sun Mar 31 21:06:22 PST 2002

Andy wrote:
> i think something that would be really helpful would be a way to
> track a file from its beginning to end

That would be cool. I'd quite like to have included in the recording
the details about how it came to be: microphone, pre-amp (if used),
recorder, encoding system and any other stuff. It's when we start
talking about stuff that's tricky to enter into a portable unit that
it becomes harder. Like, I'm just not going to use even cell-phone
type keying to say "recorded at the Michael Fowler Center Lower
Atrium, half way down the centre aisle on the 23rd of March 2002 on a
wet, windy day when the orchestra seemed to be hung over". No matter
how much that will mean to me in 20 years time when I'm wondering why
the recording is so lifeless. Worse, I suppose, would be "desk feed
from <20 microphones> using Smartwerks AK2400 64 channel digital desk
<options> and <effects and sound processors>, sampled at 96kHz/32 bit,
mixed down to 8 channel output <mix settings>, feeding into a
<computer spec>...", which could end up being a 50kB block of text at
the start of the file. Can we specify that the tags are compressed too

Is it possible to put this sort of stuff into the optional tags now,
or is this more of a request for formalisation to enable machine
reading? If so, what are the goals? Are there really people who
collect ripped CDs but won't accept files ripped with the wrong
software or at the wrong settings?


<p>--- >8 ----
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