[vorbis] Strange encoding issue

Jon Odegaard s13 at refrigerant12.com
Wed Mar 13 02:41:26 PST 2002

If this is not the proper list for this type of question, please direct 
me to the correct one and I'll post similar queries there in the future.

I've been happily using rc3 since shortly after its release and slowly 
converting the music collection on my PC from mp3 to ogg.  I've now run 
into a problem that has me stumped.  On the 2nd track of The Breeders 
_Last Splash_ album, the intro bass riff comes up with some frickin' 
/nasty/ artifacts that vorbis has never given me before; like it's been 
dropping samples. The test cases I've run so far are -q 4, -q 5, -q 9, 
and -b 128.  The CD itself plays fine, as does the .wav from which I'm 
encoding.  LAME doesn't seem to mind, either.

I'm (still) running Red Hat 6.2, and I remember someone mentioning some 
problems with an older version of glib or glibc, but I upgraded as far 
as I could without breaking 4,067 or so dependencies.  I now have:


Any ideas?  Thanks, all.


The 80-watt Hamster
Now Flame-Resistant!
s13 at refrigerant12.com

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