[vorbis] Encoding question

Nathan I. Sharfi nisharfi at csupomona.edu
Wed Mar 13 10:15:02 PST 2002

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 elliot_kwestel at nysunburst.com wrote:

> Hello,
>      I'm working on a game and I want to encode all the sound files that I
> have (probably over a 100) with Ogg Vorbis. Most of these sound files are
> really small, about 3 - 6kb each.  Each sound file contains a word, i.e.
> "cat", "bat".  When I encoded some of them I noticed that the ogg file is
> never smaller than 4kb, even if the original wav file was less than 4kb.  I
> saw in the libogg documentation that an ogg page is typically 4kb. So I'm
> assuming that because of that, the smallest  a file can ever be is always
> 4kb.
> Is there any overhead that can be removed during the encoding or is there a
> setting that could get the encoding to have a smaller page size, thereby
> generating a  file less than 4kb?
> Thanks,
> Elliot

I'm not sure what type of game you're making, but also consider that the
costs of using ogg-compressed audio files may not be worth it for the small
space savings you'd gain. 100 words * 6 KB/word still isn't much unless
you're downloading it over a 9600 Kb/s modem.

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