[vorbis] comments+tags CD data

Per Wigren wigren at home.se
Wed Sep 26 04:06:50 PDT 2001

I use "FREEDBID=<id>"

I don't think there is a standard, but I was told by 
someone before that he/she also used this format så I guess 
you can call it "de facto". :-D

// Wigren

> Hi,
> I was wondering if there is a standised way of recording 
the CDDA
> database number (the information stored on a CD to help 
look up the CDs
> details on the net)in the tags?
> -- 
> Jon Brightwell <jon.brightwell at atd.co.uk>
> Baby Code Monkey
> '"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq., 
& "Ted" Theodore Logan'
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