[vorbis] Encoding from mic (linux) question

Jay Sprenkle cupycake_jay at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 18 10:10:54 PDT 2001

Malcolm Rodgers wrote:
> How much work would be involved to encode audio from the microphone?
> LiveIce, for instance uses a FIFO, opens the sound card, reads
> from the soundcard, and calls lame(or some other encoder) on the buffer.
> I'd like to be able to vorbis-encode from the mic, and send the encoded
> stream to an IP.

I believe there are programs to do this already. See
ShoutCast from WinAmp. I *think* there's an ogg version
called IceCast.

If you're on windows and you need to do it yourself look in the MSDN
at the audio data compression manager. You can use any codec you want
when you record from a microphone/wave input device.

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