[vorbis] Question on the nature of b3/b4 changes

Aleksandar Dovnikovic aldov at EUnet.yu
Fri Jan 19 01:50:35 PST 2001

"Craig Dickson" <crdic at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have a number of .ogg files encoded with b2, and some with b3. Is the
> psychoacoustic model in the forthcoming b4 significantly improved over
> these builds, such that re-encoding these files would give me either
> noticeably better sound, or smaller files?

Monty said that b4 should be pretty improved over b3 and b2, but
exactly how much that is - we will just have to wait for the b4 release
and test ourselves. Also if you are currently happy with how your
b2 & b3 ogg files sound now, hold on and re-encode them when the
official 1.0 version comes out, that's my advice. (I hope that you are
not thinking of decoding b2 and b3 ogg files and then re-encoding
them with b4 because you will only lose quality.)

> Also, just out of curiousity, will
> b4-encoded files be playable with older WinAmp plugins?

I don't think so. But that doesn't mean that the compatibility has been
broken, it's just that older decoders do not support some new features
introduced in newer versions (like joint-stereo).


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