[vorbis-dev] ogg multithread encoding

Lourens Veen lourens at rainbowdesert.net
Wed Jun 18 10:29:40 PDT 2003

On Wed 18 June 2003 17:28, torque wrote:
> >Ehm, simply concatenate them together? Ofcourse you have some
> >overhead with the headers being repeated, but it will yield a
> > valid Ogg file...
> OK, it works:) Actually, it seems to be a vaild .ogg file. But

It is, that's the way Ogg is designed.

> what about those headers? In XMMS, Winamp etc. the time is not
> properly displayed. I think, that maybe I could leave only the
> first header (but I don't know exactly how many bytes is it) and
> update certain values in it somehow. What do you think about it?

Well, I think it should be possible as long as the codebooks are the 
same, but I'm really not sure. Someone with more knowledge of Ogg 
internals will have to answer this one.


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