[vorbis-dev] oggedit, the hidden agenda (was: ogg123 ^C changes

Hans Schou chlor at schou.dk
Thu Feb 7 01:14:09 PST 2002

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Kenneth Arnold wrote:

> though, so cat a.ogg b.ogg | ogg123 - can't work

Doesn't matter as the end user only will use the skip function if he got a
big file. Having all files he will just ogg123 *.ogg

The Hidden Agenda I better give a reason for asking for a skip-key. I'm an
older guy and I usually uses CLI rather than GUI. Beside that I'm helping
a blind (visual impaired) Linux user with ogg also and he can only use
CLI. Him and I will try to work on an ogg editor which can handle ogg
files with a CLI.

The skip function should be used by the end user when we have recorded
something which could be parted into smaller chunks. It could be a speach
made in the local LUG or so. We might then cut up the speach so it matches
each slide and cat them together afterwards. The end user can then
download one file with the speach and step through the "slides" with the
skip function.

I don't know what you uses ogg for but I mostly only uses the ogg encoder
when I record speaches and meetings. As a creator of free sounds with free
software I'm forced to use ogg rather than mp3 due to patent infrigement.
(free as in speach, not beer)

oggedit - well, we don't have much now (vapourware). Actually we have
started with writing the user manual and a tutorial first. The basic idea
is to let the ogg editor work like the vi editor.

A recorded speach has a pause in the start and the end. Sometimes there is
also a coffee break in the mittle. Load up the file in oggedit and imagine
that it is one long line of text. Start play the file and press enter each
time there is a new block of sound. Now the speach has 5 "lines" of sound.
 1. The starting pause
 2. First half of the speach
 3. Coffee break
 4. Second half of the speach
 5. Ending pause
Now press gg to go to the top. Press dd to delete the block. Press j to go
to next block etc.

Maybe it is better to use .wav files for editing but then it is not simple
for end users to use it.

best regards/hans

Hamletsgade 4 - 201, DK-2200 København N, Phone: +45 2264 8020
Schou Industries ApS      http://schou.dk/    CVR: 26 13 44 39
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