[tremor] Minimum hardware requirements

Johnny Egeland johnny at coretrek.no
Tue Jan 28 23:34:28 PST 2003

I'm looking into building a hardware vorbis player. It's intended to be an 
open hardware project if it's realized. The idea is to create a small 
portable player and use a memory card (eg. MMC) to store the ogg-vorbis data.

I was hoping someone could help me with some issues to save some time.

I need to know the following (current) requirements for Tremor in order to 
find suitable componentes (DSP / RAM / ROM etc.) for the project:
- Minimum amount of RAM needed for decoding (excluding anything that can be 
stored in static lookup tables).
- Minimum speed of DSP (Any experience from earlier tests will help).
- Minimum amount of program memory (ROM) needed to hold the decoder 
(estimates are fine). I'm most interested in knowing the size of only the 
decoding part of Tremor.

If anyone can tell me what source files in Tremor that actually do the 
decoding that would also be nice.

I'll be pleased for any help I can get.


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