[theora] NHW Project - some update

Raphael Canut nhwcodec at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 21:56:41 UTC 2018

 Hello Dave!

Thank you very much for your answer!

You're right.I have thought that the new next-generation codecs like JVET
(MPEG) VVC, AOM AV1, XVC will be too computational-intensive for mobile
phones.So the de facto codecs for mobiles devices are H.264 and HEVC, I
thought that my codec that is royalty-free and a lot faster could move the
lines, but you're right Apple is "attached" to MPEG and Google and the
others are "attached" to AOM.

> Look to Asia

I am always very attracted by new opportunities for my NHW Project! But
don't you think there will be a problem of compatibility? For example a
company wants to use the NHW Project in its new mobile phone, but what will
happen if the NHW Project is not supported by web browsers?

Anyway, I am very interested to look to Asia, would you have some advice?


2018-07-09 23:33 GMT+02:00 Dave Johnson Games <davefilms.us at gmail.com>:

> I think Apple is somehow "attached" to the MPEG group. They control the
> "pools" too. Your codec sounds great. Google could -- if they wanted to --
> use it but they have Web^M and webP. Look to Asia. Asus has just launched a
> new phone. ??
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 3:14 PM Raphael Canut <nhwcodec at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I don't have advanced on the NHW Project this past month, but I have
>> definitely validated its characteristics and this new version.
>> The NHW Codec preserves or enhances image neatness and sharpness, which
>> translates that on good quality images the NHW Codec is globally better
>> than HEVC, and on degraded (with blur, artifacts) images it is worse than
>> HEVC because it lacks of precision. I have made tests on 100 images from
>> the Internet.
>> The NHW Project still lacks very high compression, and I think now I will
>> inspire from HEVC, that is to say, I would like to strongly remove details
>> and preserve the contours, edges. It is not that easy to code, and again
>> any help would be very very welcome! Again if you can provide any help to
>> the NHW Project, do not hesitate to show up, would be so much appreciated!!!
>> The NHW codec has a high speed, which makes it a good candidate for
>> mobile, embedded devices.There are currently some exploration for a
>> MotionJPEG replacement on low power processor (dual-core 240MHz Xtensa LX6)
>> where MotionJPEG appears to be too heavyweight.
>> With the recent updates, I think the NHW Project is still patent-free and
>> royalty-free. And just the fact that it is royalty-free, should be worth
>> the try.
>> So with this new version, I hope the NHW Project could attract a company
>> that would like to sponsorize the project (to adapt the codec to any size
>> of image for example).
>> Very quickly to finish, I have seen that on the Theora mailing list there
>> are employees from big companies.This can be indiscreet and very impolite,
>> but for example there are 2 employees from Apple who are on the Theora
>> channel mailing list... Does Apple can be interested in such a codec as the
>> NHW Project? If not, what does it lack to be of interest? Would you have
>> some advice?
>> Many thanks again!
>> Cheers,
>> Raphael
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