[theora] Misc: handycam raw to ogg / DVD to ogg

Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves justivo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 07:00:45 PST 2008


On 2/11/08, all.i.pebre at gmail.com <all.i.pebre at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) How can I convert a raw miniDV file to ogg? (...) Something à la
> command line would be perfect (i have something like 20 tapes)

I believe ffmpeg2theora has a switch to encode from DV.

> 2) How do I convert a DVD to ogg format in the most efficient way?
> Right now I am doing
> mencoder dvd://1 -oac copy -ovc copy -alang es -slang es -o ~/DVD.avi
> ffmpeg2theora --optimize -S 0 -K 500 ~/DVD.avi

One of those should be able to do it, but I recommend you not keep
hammering that nail and try Thoggen instead.  It's a software (with a
GUI!) for ripping DVD to Theora.  The only thing bad you can point at
it is that it doesn't add the Skeleton track nor does it use the .ogv
file extension, which are all recent developments.  Next version
should probably add those things.


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