[Theora] ffmpeg/ffmpeg2theora &vhooks

Aaron Colwell acolwell at real.com
Tue Feb 21 07:20:13 PST 2006

You could try using ffmpeg2theora.


I don't know if it has the vhook functionality, but it should be relatively
easy to modify the source for your purposes.


On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 05:27:14PM -0800, Aphid wrote:
> Hi theora-list,
> I'm involved in in a project to redistribute C-SPAN's floor footage  
> from the US house and senate that we're capturing and converting*.   
> This footage is in the public doman, however there's a C-SPAN overlay  
> which is a registered trademark - we're having to overlay a "public  
> domain" graphic on top of it.  We're currently doing this with  
> ffmpeg's vhook functionality.  We ultimately need this footage to be  
> in theora, because we're using annodex to index the footage. So - a  
> couple of questions:
> I've noticed some activity on the ffmpeg changelog w/r/t decoding  
> theora content - is there any hope of ENcoding via ffmpeg?
> 	this would allow us to use our ffmpeg vhooks to get our theora 
> 	content.
> Is it possible/feasible to roll vhook funcitonality into ffmpeg2theora?
> Otherwise, it seems as though we're stuck rendering mp4 in ffmpeg  
> with our overlay, then ffmpeg2theoraing that mp4.  This is  
> problematic because we're also hoping to offer a live feed.
> Any advice or suggestions would be very appreciated.
> Peace
> A
> *the footage is currently available digitally in DRM'd & proprietary  
> RealVideo; we think it's a better idea to have it available in an  
> open format.
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