[theora] ogg movie out of png pics

Yorn yorn at gmx.net
Mon Aug 28 06:54:25 PDT 2006

Am Montag, 28. August 2006 14:54 schrieb All Pebre:
> Hi,
> I would like to create a movie out of a lot of png files. Using
> mencode I would do have something similar to
> mencoder "mf://*.png" -mf type=png:fps=5 -vf spp,scale -ovc lavc -o
> output.avi
> but I want to have an ogg format. I.e. an ogg movie

Easiest, way is to use ffmpeg2theora to transfer the avi to ogg.

AFAIK mencoder (,ffmpeg etc.) does not provide a method to directly transfer 
to ogg. 

Regards - Yorn

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