[theora] ogg movie out of png pics

All Pebre all.i.pebre at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 05:54:13 PDT 2006


I would like to create a movie out of a lot of png files. Using
mencode I would do have something similar to

mencoder "mf://*.png" -mf type=png:fps=5 -vf spp,scale -ovc lavc -o output.avi

but I want to have an ogg format. I.e. an ogg movie

How to do it?

convert can convert the pngs to an mpg but not to an ogg!

convert: unable to open module file

But of course, I would prefer something in which I can control the
frames per second...

I have been skimming through the man pages but cannot figure out how
to do it... :(

any hint? thanks!

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