[Theora-dev] Binaries for Visual Studio.NET?

illiminable ogg
Mon Aug 2 00:22:47 PDT 2004

I have a project in my directshow project which has a build setup for
VS2003.NET (the 2002 file is probably still ok and called .vcproj.old inthe
dir too)...

You can find my build setup of the latest released theora source (alpha 3)
at http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/oggdsf/src/lib/codecs/theora/libs/libtheora/

This is actually all that's added....

It has a dependancy on libogg project too, so you may need to change some
include paths and "Project Dependancies"/library paths to point it to your
libogg project.

Though if you pull my entire project structure
out(http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/oggdsf/), the main solution is configured to
find libogg in that tree already.

You either need to build both libogg and libtheora as dynamic (and include a
.dll for each whenever you are debugging (ie DEbug->Start New INstance) or
distributing... or a possibly better solution is to build libogg static and
libtheora dynamix meaning you have only one dll for theora. The downside is
that if you include a few libraries dependant on libogg, some of the code
will be getting duplicated but libogg is very small anyway so ti doesn't
really matter.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Barrett" <dbarrett at quinthar.com>
To: <theora-dev at xiph.org>
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 12:15 PM
Subject: [Theora-dev] Binaries for Visual Studio.NET?

> I apologize for what's surely a common question, but the Xiph
> archive-searcher seems broken, and all my other searches have come up
> dry.  Anyway, my question is:
> Are there any Theora binaries available for Visual Studio.NET?
> Alternatively, how do I build Theora using Visual Studio.NET?  I tried
> using "\win32\theora_static.dsp", but VS.NET claimed it was corrupt
> and couldn't upgrade it.  Then I build my own project using all the
> files in "\lib", but it had lots of Ogg dependencies.  So I tried to
> build Ogg, but had the same problems.
> I'm primarily interested in the last stable build (I think it's Alpha
> 3?), and just a lib file and some headers would be dandy.
> Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.  Thanks!
> -david
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