[theora-dev] Re: More Missing Pieces

Ralph Giles giles at xiph.org
Wed Feb 26 06:34:47 PST 2003

On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 03:22 am, Stan Seibert wrote:

> Hah! Sorry, but you have got to be kidding.  I really doubt this has
> anything to do with project rivalry.  From watching Vorbis development,
> it seems that Monty is somewhat quiet.  That's just his style.  No
> conspiracy there.

Indeed. More to the point, Monty tends to write code rather than post 
design documents. This does significantly raise the barrier to 
discussion, but the code is available for comment and revision. 
Fortunately, Monty usually makes good decisions.

I hope we can do a little better than vorbis in this respect by having 
others develop the spec in parallel with development.


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