[theora-codecs] Re: 3274253-docked On2 movies don't draw the video frame

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at xiph.org
Sun Jun 22 16:20:52 PDT 2003

Hi, Steve, I took the time to install OSX 10.2.6 on one of our Imacs. Your
fix works greatly and solves the transparency issue in the dock. BTW this
problem is apparently not new or something introduced in the latest version
of QT: with QT5.0 installed the problem already existed in previous versions
of the codec.

If I am reading the wksetblt.c code correctly then we actually need to patch
4 blitters: 2 for altivec (bct00av and bct10av) and 2 for non-altivec (the
one you have already patched, and bct10.) It is not clear to me yet when the
stretched version of the blitter is used, and as you have probably found it
is a nightmare trying to debug the libs under OSX. I can get breakpoints in
the codec code to be called correctly, but can not trigger breakpoints or
step into the lib code, probably due to dual step process (CW5.3/CW8)
necessary to build the osx version. If you manage to do this please let me
know the secrets.

When/if you have the time to patch the other blitters please feel free to
email me at any time for testing. I can incorporate and test your changes
under G3/G4 configurations, with OS8.1/OS8.5/9/10.1/10.2 systems, to make
sure they do not introduce errors in the Classic version of the codec.  I am
not sure how to upload this updated version to Apple for "official"
distribution, though. But if we manage to correct and certify the changes
Dan can probably help us get in contact with the guys at On2 to solve this

Dan, I am curious to know also if you have information about the performance
difference using the asm blitters compared with the C versions. Do you have
any data on this from your time at On2?


> Here is a patch for one of the blitters.  This blitter is used on
> machines without altivec, i.e. G3s.  It is untested, but the changes
> were fairly simple.  Can you build and test this?  If it works, I'll go
> ahead and make the changes to the other blitters.

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