[Speex-dev] from Adobe Flex / Flash Player 10 .flv Speex via Red5 to .wav PCM?

Keith Kyzivat kkyzivat at sipez.com
Wed Mar 11 19:14:06 PDT 2009

I'm quite sure you won't find an answer to the first question here, you'll
have to ask in some Adobe-Flash centric forums.

As for the second question, once you have a file with speex audio, you can
use speexdec (included in speex distribution) to convert it to a PCM Wave
file (*.wav), or a raw PCM file.

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 4:51 PM, James Salsman <jsalsman at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am having trouble converting a .flv file uploaded from Adobe Flex /
> Flash Player 10 to a Red5 server using the speex coder:
> http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/flash/media/Microphone.html
> http://jira.red5.org/confluence/display/codecs/Speex+Codec
> Questions:
> 1. How do I extract the audio track out of such a .flv file?

> 2. How do I convert it from Speex to .wav PCM?
> Thanks.
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Keith Kyzivat

SIP VoIP, IM and Presence Consulting
tel: +1 (617) 273-4000
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