[Speex-dev] Packet Loss question

Jean-Marc Valin jean-marc.valin at usherbrooke.ca
Wed Aug 27 16:55:44 PDT 2008

nagaraj at int.uni-karlsruhe.de a écrit :
> I know that SPEEX has a mechanism to handle packet loss.
> I see there is some handling for packet loss implemented in speexdec.

Actually, it's not the handling that's implemented in speexdec, but
merely simulating loss in a file that doesn't have loss.

> I want to know, if in my own application should i also implement such
> packet loss handling or is it taken care of within the decoder?

The packet loss handling is part of the decoder. All you need to do is
pass NULL as the "bits" to speex_decode*() if you don't have the packet.

> I want to test my SPEEX application for GNU Radio for some packet loss,if
> i just simulate a packet loss mechanism, will it work fine? or do I need
> to also handle as in speexdec code?

You don't need any of the speexdec code.


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