[Speex-dev] Library split (poll)

Ralph Giles giles at xiph.org
Tue Jun 27 14:48:53 PDT 2006

Jean-Marc Valin wrote:
> In the 1.1.x branch, I've kept adding more stuff to libspeex:
> preprocessor, AEC, etc. I'm now considering moving all those to a
> separate library (libvoip, libspeech, whatever). Anyone on this list has
> good reasons I should consider for either splitting or not splitting
> libspeex?

Ordinarily, I'd say we already have enough tiny little dependent 
libraries, but if this is growing into a set of voip-ish tools
that are generally applicable outside speex (ghost for example?)
then it's a reasonable idea.

I think the important question is whether it's likely to keep growing
and generalizing (yes) and how coupled it is to the speex codec (no).


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