[Speex-dev] Windows CE port

Ashhar Farhan farhan at phonestack.com
Fri Nov 12 06:06:30 PST 2004

I am attaching  a library binary build for Windows CE 3.0.

libspeex_emce.lib is an x86 emulator build (with debug information)
libspeex_armce.lib is an ARMV4 release build

This should work well on all the version of Pocket PC including:
1) Pocket PC 2002
2) Pocket PC 2003
3) Smartphone 2002
4) Smartphone 2003

I have tested it on Pocket PC 2003 and Smartphone 2002.

Now, i need the gurus to tell me the following:
1) USE_SSE is gcc specific, how do i enable the assembly optimisations for 
Embedded Visual C compilers?
This problem is very realy. The MPx200 (one of my test platforms) runs 
only at 134MHz.

2) The Symbian systems too run on some of the lower speed systems (esp the 
Symbian 6.x versions).

3) we need to put a standard api wrapper for a C++ class.
Symbian has a rule that not more than 200 bytes on each stack and a limit 
of the number of stack levels while running Eikon. Does speex comply with 

My own application needs to run speex at 5.9kpbs. Which is the least 
process intensive way of doing this on PocketPC platform?
What should be the API calls made to make it least process intensive? Any 
voice quality will do (as along as I can recognise the caller's voice) and 
the bandwidth should be less than 5.9 kbps.

- farhan
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Url : http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/speex-dev/attachments/20041112/b02d6500/libspeex_emce-0001.obj
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Name: libspeex_armce.lib
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 328588 bytes
Url : http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/speex-dev/attachments/20041112/b02d6500/libspeex_armce-0001.obj

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