[speex-dev] seeking

Jean-Marc Valin Jean-Marc.Valin at USherbrooke.ca
Thu Feb 26 00:20:01 PST 2004

> I need to know if it is possible to seek the Speex stream. I want to have an
> ability to seek in time, just like Vorbis does. Vorbis has function
> "ov_time_seek" and I want something like this from Speex. Is this possible?
> Thanks for any reply.

It's not really a feature of Speex, but Ogg. So if you have a Speex
stream in an Ogg container, it's possible to seek. It's a bit harder
than for Vorbis, since Speex doesn't have the equivalent of libvorbis
(though eventually, libogg will do it), so you have to do it "by hand"
using libogg calls.


Jean-Marc Valin, M.Sc.A., ing. jr.
LABORIUS (http://www.gel.usherb.ca/laborius)
Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

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