[speex-dev] XScale realtime encoding possible?

Jean-Marc Valin Jean-Marc.Valin at USherbrooke.ca
Sun Nov 9 11:08:54 PST 2003


I just did some experiments and it seems like the high system CPU time
is not due to one specific part of the code, but rather to the extreme
inefficiency of float emulation under Linux. I was expecting float
emulation to run something like 30 times slower than integer, but it
looks like its more like 3000 times slower. This means that all of the
float operations must be removed for the code to work properly. ...or
maybe there's a way to make the emulation in a library instead of making
the kernel trap illegal instructions.


Jean-Marc Valin, M.Sc.A., ing. jr.
LABORIUS (http://www.gel.usherb.ca/laborius)
Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

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