[speex-dev] Is there a version of Speex like Fraunhofer MP3 codec?

John Edwards john.edwards33 at ntlworld.com
Thu Feb 27 11:56:26 PST 2003

Hi Ben,

I knew you could configure an external encoder, but obviously it doesn't
want to encode on-the-fly. An option that I believe will work, although I
haven't tried it specifically with speex, is CDex. CDex is a free, high
quality ripper and encoder, you can get it here:
http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/ .

You can configure an external encoder, it will encode on-the-fly and record
to your chosen format line-in. You can also, I believe, select the sample
rate you want it fed to the encoder at. There is a reasonable help system
that should enable you to set it up.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben" <x-files at qx.net>
To: <speex-dev at xiph.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [speex-dev] Is there a version of Speex like Fraunhofer MP3

<p>> John, Hi! I gave it a shot and am not sure of what exactly to do. I was
> able to choose it as the external encoder ok and then used the default
> settings, but when I gave it a try on the line-in sampling, Audiograbber
> wanted to record the audio as a wav and THEN apply speex encoding (which
> didn't work). That would probably be fine if I were using NTFS and could
> write files bigger than 4GB, right? The thing is, the computer I want to
> get this working on is an Old Pentium 166 with 32MB ram and 2GB harddrive
> (FAT32).
> I don't know how to program and am not sure really how to describe what I
> am looking for. Other than if speex could be a windows selectable codec,
> would open up a ton of things I could do with it. For radio show recording
> I would think having speex as a selectable codec in windows would help out
> alot of people (or at least get alot more people interested). Anyone up to
> the task of coding it to do this?;)  Please, please. :)
> I was just thinking Speex could beat Fraunhofer MP3 for what I do. My
> current MP3 settings are
> 16kbps, 11Khz, mono. A five hour recording is approximately 35MB. Speex
> sounds like it would be a perfect application for this and achieve
> smaller/better quality recordings. What do you think?
> Ben
> >In AudioGrabber, you have the option to set up an external encoder, you
> >don't only have the initial options available. Obtain the win32 compile
> >speexenc from the speex download page and configure it as an external
> >encoder.
> >
> >John
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Ben" <x-files at qx.net>
> >To: <speex-dev at xiph.org>
> >Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:03 AM
> >Subject: [speex-dev] Is there a version of Speex like Fraunhofer MP3
> >
> >
> > > Hi! I just stumbled onto your project (Speex) and it seems perfect for
> > > archiving a radio show I record every night. The thing is, I would
like to
> > > encode in real-time, rather than having to record the wav and then use
> > > speex encoder to encode it. The radio show runs 5 hours, so a PCM wav
> >would
> > > be big to store first and then process with speex (not bad though,
> > > the machine only has a 2GB harddrive).
> > > Currently I am archiving my radio show using the Fraunhofer MP3 codec
> > > some software
> > > called AudioGrabber. I just have Audiograbber to record from the
> >on
> > > my soundcard. I set it to use Fraunhofer to record directly as MP3
> > > 16kbps, 11kHz. I believe speex could produce better quality/smaller
> > > size. The problem I have is not being able to choose the speex codec
> > > Audiograbber instead of Fraunhofer MP3. Just wondering if there's a
way to
> > > make speex a selectable encoding codec. I'd like to use speex in
> > > to record/encode the radio show as it airs. Anything you could tell me
> > > about this sort of functionality with speex would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > Ben
> > >
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