[speex-dev] Win32 player needed to put speex into widespread use

Matthias Granberry matthias at utdallas.edu
Mon Feb 17 14:05:41 PST 2003

I get the feeling that people are waiting for the oggfile library to
be finished so that ogg-supporting players will also handle speex
media.  There is also some talk directshow filters and acm filters for
speex, which (to my knowledge) will allow media player to play the
files directly.  I'm not running windows, though, so I can't check.  

Matthew <mozdev at zzxc.net> writes:

> I am eager to begin using speex for downloadable audio on my church's
> website - but first a good win32 player is needed given that windows
> has a 94% domination...
> Are there any plans for an up-to-date speex player for windows?  (That
> winamp plugin is hopelessly old)  Building this into zinf
> (fmr. freeamp) might be an option, but their code is one big mess.
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Matthias Granberry
matthias at utdallas.edu
(469) 371-0596
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