[paranoia-dev] bug in filenames

Andrew Dubry adubry at musiciansfriend.com
Tue Aug 20 10:49:30 PDT 2002

Hi. Forgive me if this is known, but I just checked the FAQ and bug page 
and didn't see it listed...

When creating the tracklist, you substitute a slash with a dash. However, 
no such substitution is done on the Artist or Album variables, which causes 
problems obviously when it can't create the file/directory because it has a 
slash in it :)... I just downloaded the newest version and it didn't have 
this in place so I added it to my local copy.

Perhaps a better place to do all these substitutions is right before it 
creates the file, rather then when it's dealing with the individual variables.

just a thought :) thanks!
  Andrew Dubry          Señior Web Programmer/Cat Petter
  Office: 541.774.5475    http://www.musiciansfriend.com
  Roving: 541.941.1659    Public Meow ID: 1024D/0A6A1F2Z

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