[opus] Antw: [EXT] Re: Multithreaded encoding?

Ralph Giles giles at thaumas.net
Tue Mar 31 16:36:28 UTC 2020

On 2020-03-30 11:24 p.m., Ulrich Windl wrote:

> The original requestor did not mention whether the application is real-time or not: For non-real-time (i.e.: batch encoding), on n CPUs, would it work to divide the stream in n parts, encode each of theose (with some non-optimal encoding maybe) and then "join" the parts to one stream?

I think that's what they were suggesting. I assumed it wasn't realtime
because they mentioned it was already running at 12x and wanted it to go
faster. So 'batch' encoding but optimized for time-to-completion on a
single stream.


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