[opus] The inband FEC option within Opus

Ayoub Bouziane ayyoub.bouziane at gmail.com
Mon May 8 23:11:57 UTC 2017

Dear Opus community,
I have a question about the SILK inband FEC. I am using the opus_demo
(opus-1.2-alpha) for testing opus codec, and when I choose the "-inbandfec"
option I get the exactly the same results when I don't add it to the
command line.
Are these results logical?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,

*--------------------BOUZIANE AyoubPhone : (+212) 633 092 157*

*Intelligent Systems and Applications Laboratory Faculty of Sciences and
TechnologiesSidi Mohamed Ben AbdellahUniversity P.B​: 2202, Imouzzer road,
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