[opus] [Xiph] #2027: multistream_encode(_float) fails on hard cbr encodes in libopus v1.1

Xiph trac at xiph.org
Thu Sep 4 10:09:45 PDT 2014

#2027: multistream_encode(_float) fails on hard cbr encodes in libopus v1.1
 Reporter:  thinktink                    |           Owner:  jmvalin@…
     Type:  defect                       |          Status:  closed
 Priority:  P3                           |       Milestone:
Component:  Opus                         |         Version:  unspecified
 Severity:  major                        |      Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:  multistream encode fail cbr  |  Parent Tickets:

Comment (by thinktink):

 Yes, it's been resolved with the recent changes.  I've confirmed using
 numerous test vectors with the settings described in the original
 description, all encode and produce a valid Opus file.

 Side note: I tried to respond via e-mail to trac @ xiph . org but it
 bounced, just FYI.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.xiph.org/ticket/2027#comment:3>
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